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Top performance can still be achieved at 70!

Getting older doesn’t necessarily mean being old! This project aims to show that intensive sport can maintain physical and mental performance into old age, improve quality of life and slow down the ageing process.

Track hour world record over 70

To show what is possible, we want to empower Beat Stebler, born in 1961, to break the over-70s age group world record on the track in 2031, his 70th year of age.

This project is intended to show what is possible, but above all it should motivate YOU to throw off the cliché of old iron, take your gym, hiking or cycling shoes out of the cupboard, set yourself goals and train for them. In our blog, our experts will give you tips and tricks on how to set meaningful goals and how to achieve them. You will benefit from our findings and find out how Beat is doing in this project. Subscribe to our newsletter now.



The A+O for cyclists

It’s no use to me if you install a 500 hp engine in an old car. The fuselage will be torn apart by the force of the engine in the long run!

Cyclists need strong legs – no question? But if the torso doesn’t cooperate, this often ends in injury. Cyclists in particular, with their bent posture, must be especially careful here.

The learning book

I haven’t gotten very far with this book yet, the other two books are quite nutritious. It’s time to learn again.

As soon as I can tell you more about the book, I will report on it here.